Home Local News Is there a conspiracy in the herdsmen attack and land conquest?

Is there a conspiracy in the herdsmen attack and land conquest?


*As air force jets bombard Numans in Adamawa.

*Just as the Military are Used in Plateau, Benue and Nassarawa

ABUJA-Before now it was like a rumor until the people of the North Central
came out in the Open to lay it all bare to the Nigerian public during
the Presidential Investigations on human Right Abuses of the Nigeria
Military on how Nigerian troops fight and support the herdsmen.

Daily Watch Expose then and several almost all around Kaduna, Plateau,
Nassarawa and Benue the Story  that one hears from Survivors of the
Fulani herdsmen onslaughts is that  the Military either directly
assisting the herdsmen in the looting, maiming an killing or giving
escape route after such attacks


While the Nigerian military in all occasions has painstakingly tried
to defend this allegations many facts on ground most times seem to
cast a doubt on the poor defense of the Nigeria Military who most time
world just be out of their peace keeping position  in the name of
Operation Safe Heaven for the Fulani herdsmen to strike and
immediately after the Military shows up to block any pursuit or arrest
of the herdsmen.

In some other occasions the Military raids area and villages for arm
in what the term arms mop up there by carting all arms of the
indigenes and within that same hour the military would leave for the
Fulani herdsmen to attack

Stories like these and thousand others abound but the most recent is
the coming of the Nigerian air force into the fry as the Air force or
do we say bombers jet suspected to be of the Nigerian air force was
days ago involved in the bombardment of several Numans who are said to
be battling herdsmen in their locality in Adamawa state,

The jets which targeted just only the Numan position in the numerous
attack  was aimed at weakening the powers of the Numan who were said
to have the upper hand against the menace of the herdsmen before the
arrival of the Air force jets to assist the herdsmen in the battle.

Many of the Numans spoken to confirm the conspiracy by the   Nigerian
Air force jets assisting the herdsmen in their onslaughts and attack
of the Numans with the intent of  taking over  the land of the Numans.

Daily Watch investigations in Adamawa days ago confirmed from among
the indigenes the persistent support the herdsmen and getting from the
air force and Nigeria Military to break their resistance against the
acquisition of their land which is the target of the herdsmen who
their accused of pursuing a fixed and well thought out agenda of
taking over Adamawa and most of the Christian areas of the North

In the words of the President of the Concerned Numan Intellectuals
(CNI) Joseph Gabritala ‘’The major focus of the herdsmen supported
secretly by the air force which bombarded us days ago was simply to
cripple our resistance and allow the so called herds men who are not
herdsmen par se but Fulani jihadists with a set mandate  to control
not just the lands of the Numans alone but the whole areas in the
North Central inhabited by Christians and other tribes’’

According to him ‘’the whole story of herdsmen is a farce but simply
an expansionist army of the Fulani Jihadists known to the Nigerian
Government who pretends and opt to labeled known killers and jihadists
with  pre-determined plans, aim and focus a criminal gang’’.

While Daily Watch cannot exactly confirm if the jets reportedly
bombing the Numans are of Nigerian air force evidences on ground
confirmed the shelling of the area by military jets which has left
this reporter and many wondering and asking how Military jets could
be mobilized by herdsmen in their fight against the Numans in Adamawa

Attempts to speak to the Adamawa State government and the Nigeria air
force on these grievous and shocking allegations was not possible as
at the time of going to press.


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