*As Nigerian police give similar tale like that of Dino Malaye another critic of Buhari
*As rumors of frame ups, setting up and implication of out-spoken politicians gets momentum
Senator Shehu Sani
KADUNA-Barely few hours after the Senator Representing Kaduna Central Senator Shehu Sani came out with serious expose on those who should be suspected of assisting and aiding headsmen in their killing spray all over the country and pointing to the scale of killings in Kaduna state he has been invited by the Nigerian Police for questioning.
The Senator who is one of the most outspoken Northerner against the killings that has become a game in the states of Taraba,Kaduna and Benue seem to have made more enemies than friends for his frankness and blunt tweets and expose as the Police just yesterday invited him to report to them in Kaduna on the 30th of April in what men of the Nigera Police termed as his implication in the act of Criminal Conspiracy and culpable homicide’
According ti the report the Nigerian Army arrested a criminal one Austin Iwar who confessed under recordings of working for Shehu Sani and under the role of Senator Sani as a thug prompting the Nigerian Army I division t hand the said Austin to the Nigeria Police for further investigations which necessitated the invitation of the Senator to the Kaduna State Police headquarters for questioning come April 30th 2018.
It would be recalled that similar tales was given for the invitation of Dino Malaye a Senator that is also blunt and outspoken in issue concerning the APC and Governor Yahaya a diehard loyalist and confidant f the President like the Kaduna state Governor whom Senator Sani is also fighting against politically.
The Invitation of Shehu Sani is coming at a time when unconfirmed stories and gist in the grape vine abound of a serial plot by the Government an top security like the DSS, Police NIA etc in the country to go on a frame up, set up and indiscriminate arrest of most outspoken and notable critics of this administration on very funny and stage managed crimes.
When Daily watch spoke t the ever vocal Senator on the new game to rope him by the Police with a suspected thugs the Senator told Daily watch that it was all a game, a frame up by the State and Government to dent his impeccable image like they are doing to Dino Malaye.
In the words of the Senator ‘’They just wanted to frame me up like they did in Kogi state to Senator Dino Malaye on allegations of aiding or arming thugs, its shameful that they are not wise to use a new trick but lifting scene for scene what was acted in Kogi state, they should be ashamed of themselves’’