IBADAN- With the declaration several days back by the Federal Government that
the Fulani Herdsmen are mere gang of miscreants and criminals that
don’t need Military actions or Proscription despite the United Nations
classification of them as the Forth most dangerous Terrorist Group in
the world. The herdsmen seem emboldened to carry out their nefarious
and killing spree activities all over the country as they have gotten
a pat on the back from no other than the Nigerian federal government.
What many Nigerians don’t know and are yet to understand is the real
reason why the Fulani herdsmen that have killed an estimated five
thousand in the last three years and taken over 22 communities and
looted well over 80 villages in a coordinated fashion in almost all
regions of the country is seen as a criminal gang that is yet to be
tamed or arrested according to the spokesperson to the President and
commander in chief of the armed forces Shehu Garba is a shocking food
for thought.
But Daily Watch in its usual investigative style has unearthed the
basic reasons why the herdsmen cannot and can never for now be tamed
or branded a terrorist group no matter the amount of crimes they
choose to commit in the territory called Nigeria and no matter how
many people they kill, loot or breached all known indices to classify them
as terrorist organization.
The fact of the matter according to Daily Watch investigations is that
the Fulani herdsmen so called are under a much higher association
known as the Miyetti Allah Breeders Association which is registered
under the Nigeria law and like all registered organization and
association has a president and patron.
It would be nice for Nigerians to note that the known and only life
Patron of this umbrella association of herdsmen is the same as the
President and Commander in Chief of the Nigerian Armed forces
President Mohamadu Buhari.
This been the case one wonders how then a man who stands as the Life
patron of an association would turn to shoot himself on the foot by
banning or even criticizing such organization?.
So when next you hear the spokesman of the president telling you how
different the herdsmen are to IPOB in spite of the many atrocities of
the herdsmen then don’t be puzzled as they are truly in the words of
Shehu Garba like comparing apple and oranges.
Daily watch attempt to speak with the National coordinator of
the Miyetti Allah Breeders Association (MACBAN) Garus Gololo on the
President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria also serving as Life
Patron of a killer body like the herdsmen to which MACBAN serves as
the umbrella body was severally rebuffed by him as he kept refusing
to pick the calls after been told the reasons for the calls.
Also attempts to reach the President Spokesperson on why a killer
organization with an estimated five thousands of death to its name
and having the President of Nigeria as its Life Patron still be
classified as mere gangs of Criminals and a non-violent organization
with not a soul to its killing record like IPOB be labelled a
Terrorist organization was also not possible before going to press as
his phone keeps ringing without him picking.