Home HOME Latest; Operation Python Siege; Several Unarmed Youths dead

Latest; Operation Python Siege; Several Unarmed Youths dead






 UMUAHIA- The siege by the Nigerian Military on the South Eastern state of Aba State has left several youths dead. The Python dance which  rather than abating seem to be gaining more ground as men of the Nigerian Military seem bent on achieving a set goal, if the situation on ground in Umuahia and its surrounding towns and villages is anything to write about.

The siege which has seen the Military shooting and carrying out
shocking Patrol and turning the City into a war theatre with no enemy
in sight rather than stick and bottle wielding  young youths seem not
to be easing out even with the death so far from the guns of the
Nigerian Military of many countless  unarmed youths.

The military which goes about the Python siege  in the name of
Operation Python Dance as if the state of Abia is at war seem
unconcerned with the fact that the youths are not only unarmed. But
not even fighting or attacking the Army but rather the army doing the
weird and bizarre job of arresting, battering, drilling and killing
any young man in their own wisdom suspected to be a member of the
IPOB and in most cases taking the corpse along for secret burial.

Daily watch investigations in the heart of Aba confirmed that the
Nigerian Military seem set for the actualization of a predetermined
goal in the South East, if the series of unprovoked and uncalled for
attacks is anything to go by.

While all as at the time of this report seem calm in Umuahia and the
surroundings except for heavily Military presence no one can hazard a
guise the next move of the military which seem daring in the provoking
game and acts to draw the youths into a real war situation.

As at the moment of filing this report, nobody is safe, including reporters who are at the mercy of fate and God  by the gun-wielding soldiers of operation python dance in Aba.

How this all would play out in the days ahead seem unknown as  the
military men do not seem to be ready or willing to leave the siege
territory until God knows when.


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