Home CRIME Is President Mohammadu Buhari actually fighting or growing corruption?

Is President Mohammadu Buhari actually fighting or growing corruption?

Muhammadu Buhari

By Lucky Ojigbo, Managing Editor


The President Mohammadu Buhari  and APC so called anti-Corruption war seem almost over, dead   and buried if the  series of appointments  so far made by the President himself into several positions since the beginning of his 2nd  term tenure and several of those made close to the tail end of his first term coupled with his stout silence and defenses in every corruption related issues among his clan is anything and everything  to use as a gauge to the so called anti corruption war in Nigeria under the self acclaimed corruption fighter Mohammadu Buhari.


Daily Watch investigations  confirmed a systematic  exemption and unwillingness of Ibrahim Magu and the Cabal to even raise issues on corruption involving new appointees and several rogues that peopled the Buhari’s administration talk more about any investigations as Magu and members of the cabal in Buhari’s government have finally reached a compromise whereby all  petitions/cases in Magu desk must be cleared by  the Chief of Staff to President Buhari ,Abba Kyari before they are either investigated or raids carried out and it was this agreement that has given Magu safe haven to remain in the EFCC despite all odds as the cabal  is using  the DSS several Corruption reports against Magu to shut him up and do its bidding in all corruption cases and matters..


Daily Wach findings and several feelers from the seat of Power here in Abuja seem to be confirming the fact that what was obtainable under ex-President  Good-luck Jonathan’s administration  corruption wise seem to be a Child’s play compared to the looting galore that the Buhari administration has become,  as cronies of the Government loot, steal and cart away money every passing day with the EFCC, the supposed anti-graft fighter still concerned just only about Deziani, Yahoo Yahoo Boys and  Patience Jonathan every other week while billions are openly been carted every passing week and  from the Country’s vault in what has now become institutionalized and  official stealing and cover ups in Abuja.

Take the clear case s of the present Minister for defense who is a known ‘lootist’ but yet forced om Nigerians by the duo of Mamman Duara and Abba Kyari with the so called EFCC keeping mute despite overwhelming evidences even in the public domain on the sordid past of the Minister for defense. What about the steady pilfering and looting going on right before the nose of the EFFC in the Presidential Initiative for North East (PINE) which has become one big fraud base and the settlement crib of the Buhari’s administration headed by one Boss Musterpher who is the cousin of the powerful thief/Grass Cutter, ex SSG  Babachir Lawal whose case has been secretly stalled and evidence carted away via the office of the Chief of staff to the President to whom agu now respectfully and shameless answerers to, Or is it the appointment of notorious  men with multi billion naira looting caes with the EFCC like Godswill Akpabion, Minister for Niger Delta and ex Governor Timipreyi Sylver of Bayelsa State  to whom the EFCC shameless on orders of Abba Kyari returned several Houses, cars and several seized accounts tu because they worked for Buhari’s re-election  Or is it  about Usman Yusuf the suspended head of the NHISF who   looted dry  the National Health Insurance Scheme funds without a whimper from the President,  or EFCC just because he is an agent of the Cabal and  took the wisdom of the  then Minister of Health Isaac Adewale,the ex SSG to not only suspend him but cause a Panel from the Ministry of Health to investigate one of the myriads of accusation for which he was found to have looted over 919 million naira from the NHISF yet all he got like Babachir Lawal  was  a mere suspension without trial or prosecution till date and the EFCC is yet  so blind to see this.

Daily Watch investigations confirmed that In  almost every facet of the Buhari’s administration, every appointee  politically of the Cabal is an ex- looter or  on a looting spree with the backing of not only the Government but the anti- graft agencies looking the other way, while in cases that are not up to these  lootings raids and newspaper release are issued with courts hurriedly made to freeze accounts and those involved made to look guilty even before trial only to lose out in courts of law when the real trial commences like the recent case of Jonathan Good Luck Counsin and aide that was showcased all over the Media as looting Nigeria dry and even the store house of Jonathan loot only to get to court and nothing to show or prove other than hear says..

Daily Watch investigations confirmed that President Mohammadu  Buhari clan of thieving Political appointees are found in almost all top positions in this administration   from the Aso rock Villa  where the chief of Staff Kyari  who is the present defector vice President,who is the most Powerful man in Buhari’s government that he can even change presidential orders and Directives  to suit the whims and caprice of his master Mamman Dyara Nigeria defector President  seats (like  the case of Suspending the Whistle blower in Electricity Board in spite of Presidential Directive because the suspended criminal groups has affinity with  Kyari’s Daughter in the same  office)  to those in  the diverse Ministries, parastatals and boards  where they loot majestically with impunity, settle Cabal members  and only suspended   without prosecution  after which they get new employments and solid defenses  for the thieves by top ptresidential Media aides  in sweet protection.

It is for this open and brazen looting even in the eyes of all discerning Nigerians that propelled a prominent United states based Political Scientist and Youth Convener Femi Mathew to confess to Daily Watch that corruption is so perverse in not just the last two years of Buhari’s administration but now a giant in the beginning of his 2nd tenure  yet just nobody from this administration has been placed on trial or dealt with.

According to Femi, ‘‘It is unfortunate that Buhari is totally losing all his goodwill as a tough and disciplined anti-graft hero by allowing grand looting even before his eyes to thrive.’’.

Another commentator, a Lagos based  Political Scientist Dr. Samuel Igbobie   also  admonished the President on the lackadaisical attitude he puts up with his clans of friends and appointees who are found in the corruption net. In his words ‘’If indeed Buhari is here to fight Corruption, he should show that there is no one who cannot be probed and set on trial even his closest allies. It is time to demonstrate the anti-corruption fight  and not mere talking every minute yet looting thrives every passing day under is eyes’’.

Also  Mrs. Kike Babalola a Lagos based Lawyer and Social commentator said she couldn’t understand the series of defenses  the Presidency puts up when confronted with corruption of any of his own and gave  instances with the Weighty accusation  in the past against the former Inspector General of Police but rather than total investigation and probe of the Inspector General, the whistle blower then ex- Senator Misau was  slammed with a Lawsuit for exposing one of the  Buhari clans  according to her “The Buhari Corruption war is to me a mere facade, a slogan. The whole scenarios  par  fighting corruption is becoming uninteresting to watch. This has confirmed the the several tales of the  President’s ineptitude in combating corruption on a large scale’’’

While many Nigerians  are still asking what happened to the once vocal and no nonsense Buhari as looting every day keeps pilling, occurring  and exposed in geometrical proportion in Buhari’s administration even inside the Villa, the Aso Rock Clinic without a Presidential whimper.

Daily Watch can without charges confirmed that the President is still not in Power or in charge,  as the Country still and remains under  the rule of a  powerful un-elected  Cabal who seats and sets the scale on who to investigates and probe for corruption and as exemplified by the  death of the whole NNPC brouhaha between  the ex-Minister for State For Petroleum then Ibe Kachukwu vs Mainakanti Baru the ex- Group Managing director of the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) who has gone home with his loot to rest peacefully. Present, exposes concerning the defense Minister Bashir Magashir, Saleh Gambo, registrar of NJC, Abba Kyari the Chief of Staff and all the thieves that now peopled the Buhari’s cabinet are treated with stoic silence giving credence to the ravaging corruption rise and acceptance under Buhari.

Daily Watch fight to have some words with the EFFCC Chairman through its spokes person  Tony Orilade on the upscale in corruption and the rush by the Buhari’s administration to rehabilitate thieves, looters and those with cases with the EFCC in more position of authority was met with a stiff and  very strong curse word jus as even text  messages got ignored.


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