By Bulou Kosin
US-based Mr. Ebikeme Amafini recently dashed into Nigeria, and arrived just before nightfall, at the graveside of his late mother Mrs Toke-ere Amafini at Tebegbe Town in Burutu LGA of Delta State.
Ebikeme hurriedly exchanged pleasantries with villagers, way to the graveside he quickly lit up with candles. He paced round the graveside, chanting words of appreciation. The gathering onlookers discerned from his words that it was another anniversary of the death of his dear Mother, Toke-ere Amafini, who rose to the rank of Apostolic Mother in the Cherubim and Seraphim Church.
Beginning the unannounced and simple ceremony, Ebikeme gave a touching account of his mother: “Today, being November 15th is the 5th anniversary of the death of my mother who was a pillar of support to my life. Here lies the remains of my mother who saw me through University education and who planned with me and supported me through thin and thick to whatever I have now become. She remained a bulwark of protection against my many challenges and that of my siblings till she passed on”.
He added: “Her kindness was without borders, fulfilling the needs of those who needed her help beyond her family and thereby earned the mother-of-all appellation that she bore till death”.
Ebikeme, whose mother once enjoyed stay with him in America, lamented: “While my mother gave her all to me, she did not endure to enjoy long enough my monthly salary of sorts for her!”.
Ebikeme prayed to God Almighty for the continued repose of her soul even as he asked for “the power to sustain doing good to others in good service to the memory of my dear mother”.
To document for posterity the exemplary mercentile life of his mother, Mrs Toke-ere Amafini, who upheld Christian morals and virtues as a Cherubim and Seraphim Church faithful, Ebikeme reached for help in the genre of music. He had commissioned a fast rising Ijaw musician and thriller, Endoropere Bekes, whose latest album, “Apostolic Mother Toke-ere Amafini” gave musical rhythm and rendition to the enchanting story of Mrs Toke-ere Amafini, aged 71!
The new song was launched as the background music for the memorial night of eulogies and was the next day the only music of the community radio house to further celebrate the life of impact of Mrs Toke-ere Amafini!